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Community Funds in our Area

Microgrant: TDCC funded by RWE Camster

Up to £250 for individuals or £500 for groups in the community council area. 

Administered by the community council.

Apply by filling in the form on the right of this page and email it to us at

What can a microgrant be used for?

"Charitable purposes to the general benefit of local residents, including individuals and nonconstituted groups".


  • An award of £150 toward the travel costs of an annual trip for the horticultural society. 

  • A local football club receiving £200 for goal nets. 

  • An informal lunch club for the elderly receiving £230 start-up costs. 

  • An award to a young person to enable them to participate in an overseas volunteering project to build a new school.

The Tannach & District Wind Farm Charitable Trust, formed in partnership between Tannach & District Community Council and Foundation Scotland, has been set up to allow various funds coming into the community from different companies or other donors to be managed in a more efficient and effective way.

Residents living in the Tannach & District Community Council area were invited to put themselves forward to serve on new Panel which makes decisions on how the funds are distributed.

The new Trust and Panel replace the Tannach & District Community Fund arrangement where the Community Council currently acted as the Panel.

The E.ON Camster Community Fund also covers this community council area and is administered by Foundation Scotland.

Information on awards made from the previous Tannach & District Community Fund can be found in the Year 1 and Year 2 annual reports under Fund News

There is also a separate fund for those undertaking further education and training, which is also administered by Foundation Scotland.

Please see the links below to apply:

The Burn of Whilk Wind Farm community benefit fund is available to individuals and community groups residing within the Lybster, Latheron & Clyth and Tannach & District Community Council areas through the Lybster & Tannach non-formal learning bursary scheme.

This scheme supports non-formal learning projects. This means projects that aren’t confined to a specific curriculum but where people  take responsibility for creating learning experiences either for themselves, for their group or their community, based on what they need to know rather than what others’ think they ought to know.

E.O.N will contribute at least £150,000 per annum for 25 years or the lifetime of the wind farm (Year 1 of the Fund began September 2013). This amount is split equally between the three Community Council areas benefiting from the Fund.

The Fund is managed by Foundation Scotland but decisions on awards are made by a local Panel of 12 people comprising of four representatives from each of the three Community Council areas. Each four is made up of one Community Councillor and three members appointed from the wider community.

A detailed profile of the communities within the area served by the Fund has been prepared by Foundation Scotland, in partnership with Caithness Voluntary Groups and Latheron, Lybster & Clyth Community Development Company. The Profile provides information on: the social, economic and environmental status of the area; the key opportunities and challenges faced by local communities, and; the priorities and views of local residents, businesses and groups. Information from the Profile has informed the development of the Fund Priorities.

To apply please follow the link below:

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