
Milton Residents Association was established in 1999 when the residents formed a committee to try and create a play park for the children of the area. Due to the unavailability of suitable land the group have been unable to provide a play area. Over the years many proposals and avenues have been explored to try and find a solution to this but at this point, no solution had been found.
However the Association have developed the area of ground in front of the houses parallel to the Wick-Thurso Road. This area has been transformed from a rough unkempt area, into a beautiful community area which is used regularly by residents for community events.
Each year the committee plan a program of events and fundraise to develop and improve the area and provide social and community events. Each year they decorate the village with a Christmas tree and plant daffodils to make the area aesthetically pleasing for everyone.
The association liaise with other groups, businesses and Tannach & District Community Council to help develop community engagement.